Directions to The Pines Resort on Lake Winnie
Located just 13 miles northwest of Deer River, MN we are easy to find!

Driving Directions from the East:
Travel west on State Highway 2 to Deer River, Minnesota. In Deer River, turn north onto County Road 46. Travel approximately 12 miles until you see County Road 9 also known as Winnie Dam Road NE. Turn left (west) and travel 1-1/2 miles and you're here!
Driving Directions from the West:
Travel east on State Highway 2 to County Road 9 also known as Winnie Dam Road. (approximately 1 mile east of Bena, MN) Turn north onto County Road 9 and travel 11 miles and you're here!
Approximate Distances |
Canadian Border | 1.5 hours | 90 miles |
Chicago, Illinois | 10.5 hours | 627 miles |
Des Moines, Iowa | 8 hours | 475 miles |
Detroit, Michigan | 15 hours | 909 miles |
Duluth, Minnesota | 1.75 hours | 110 miles |
Fargo, North Dakota | 2.75 hours | 165 miles |
Indianapolis, Indiana | 13.5 hours | 812 miles |
Kansas City, Missouri | 11 hours | 668 miles |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 9 hours | 554 miles |
Minneapolis, Minnesota | 4 hours | 235 miles |
Omaha, Nebraska | 10 hours | 610 miles |
Thunder Bay, Ontario | 8 hours | 490 miles |
Winnipeg, Manitoba | 7 hours | 427 miles |